hCov-NL63-Panel Pseudovirus Standard Reference

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I. Background

hCov-NL63 was first isolated from an aspirate from a 7-month-old baby in the Netherlands in early 2004. Since then, HCoV-NL63 infection has been proven to be a universal disease worldwide and is related to many clinical symptoms. Diagnosis includes severe lower respiratory tract infection, buttitis and bronchiolitis. HCoV-NL63 causes childhood diseases. The elderly and immunocompromised children account for 1.0-9.3% of childhood respiratory infections.


According to the introduction of CDC and WHO, nucleic acid diagnosis for HCoV-NL63 is generally for RdRP (RNA-dependent RNA polymerase), Gene N and Gene E, and Gene S is more used for the development of corresponding drugs and vaccines. The NCBI included sequence is JX504050.1, with a total length of 27553bp, and the gene encodes 4 structural proteins: S, M, N and E.

In the past, the performance evaluation of the detection limit of the kit generally used in vitro transcribed RNA or clinically positive virus as the standard product for performance evaluation. However, both have obvious certainty. First, the RNA transcribed in vitro is generally very pure and single, does not involve extraction, and does not meet the microenvironment of the clinical virus. Therefore, the detection sensitivity will inevitably be overestimated. This is also a high probability of false The main reason for the negative; clinically positive virus again, even if it is an inactivated virus, still has a great biological safety hazard. Therefore, the laboratory level is required to be P3-P4. Most of the units that develop diagnostic kits do not meet the requirements. The source of clinically positive viruses is also very limited and cannot be stably supplied, and is repeatedly used for performance evaluation of the kit.

II.product description

It has the complete envelope structure of the virus and the nucleic acid sequence corresponding to HCoV-NL63, but the pseudovirus standard product with low biosafety risk perfectly overcomes the shortcomings of choosing in vitro transcribed RNA or clinically positive virus as the standard product. It is very suitable for the standard product of nucleic acid diagnostic performance evaluation.

Construction process: HCoV-NL63 gene synthesis → pseudovirus packaging → purification → QC detection (ddPCR)

III. product description
product name:hCov-NL63-ORF1ab/RdRP Pseudovirus Standard Reference
Corresponding sequence (see appendix for details):

ORF1ab/RdRP(2780bp)、Gene N(1134bp)、Gene E(234bp)

Number of copies:
Biosafety level:P2
Transportation and storage methods:Dry ice transportation, -80°C save
Validity period:  
IV. Product usage and advantages
Product Usage:HCoV-NL63Performance evaluation of diagnostic kits
Product advantages:

·The pseudovirus standard of HCoV-NL63 is different from RNA synthesized in vitro and clinically positive live virus. It perfectly overcomes the shortcomings of both, and is really suitable for performance evaluation of the kit, including detection limit, specificity, repeatability, etc. ;

·According to the characteristics of the HCoV-NL63 coronavirus, a total of 3 segments of ORF1ab/RdRP (RNA-dependent RNA polymerase), Gene E (envelope protein), and Gene N (nucleocapsid phosphoprotein) were selected for the packaging of pseudovirus , 3 segments well represent the characteristic sequence of HCoV-NL63;

·Coby Bio has designed the primers and probe sequences of the ddPCR system, which can complete the QC copy number detection of pseudovirus without constructing a standard curve, which can very accurately characterize the copy number of the standard product, and overcome the Q-PCR analysis of CT Inaccuracy of the relative judgment standard of the value;

·Pseudovirus standard products, non-pathogenic, renewable, reliable quality control methods, stable between batches, can be prepared and supplied stably for a long time, and require laboratory biosafety level P2 to meet the safety needs of many organizations.

Ⅴ. appendix


1 agtgttgaca tttcttattt aaacgagcaa ggggttctag tgcagctcga ctagaaccct
       61 gtaatggcac ggacatcgat aagtgtgttc gtgcttttga catttataat aaaaatgttt
      121 cattcttggg taagtgtttg aagatgaact gtgttcgttt taaaaatgct gatcttaagg
      181 atggttattt tgttataaag aggtgtacta agtcggttat ggaacacgag caatccatgt
      241 ataacctact taacttttct ggtgctttgg ctgagcatga tttctttact tggaaagatg
      301 gcagagtcat ttatggtaat gttagtagac ataatcttac taaatatact atgatggact
      361 tggtctatgc tatgcgtaac tttgatgaac aaaattgtga tgttctaaaa gaagtattag
      421 ttttaactgg ttgttgtgac aattcttatt ttgatagtaa gggttggtat gacccagttg
      481 aaaatgaaga tatacataga gtttatgcat ctcttggcaa aattgtagct agagctatgc
      541 ttaaatgcgt tgctctatgt gatgcgatgg ttgctaaagg tgttgttggt gttttaacat
      601 tagataacca agatcttaat ggtaactttt atgattttgg tgattttgtt gttagcttac
      661 ctaatatggg tgttccctgt tgtacatcat attattctta tatgatgcct attatgggtt
      721 taactaattg tttagctagt gagtgttttg tcaagagtga tatttttggt agtgatttta
      781 aaacttttga tttgcttaag tatgatttca ctgaacataa agaaaattta ttcaataagt
      841 actttaagca ttggagtttt gattatcatc ctaattgtag tgactgttat gatgatatgt
      901 gtgttataca ttgtgctaat tttaatacac tatttgctac aactatacca ggtactgctt
      961 ttggtccact atgtcgtaaa gtttttatag atggtgttcc acttgttaca actgctggtt
     1021 atcattttaa gcaattaggt ttggtttgga ataaagatgt taacacacac tcagttaggt
     1081 tgacaattac tgaacttttg caatttgtca ccgacccttc cttgataata gcttcttccc
     1141 cagcactcgt tgatcaacgc actatttgtt tttctgttgc agcattgagt actggtttga
     1201 caaatcaagt tgttaagcca ggtcatttta atgaagagtt ttataacttt cttcgtttaa
     1261 gaggtttctt tgatgaaggt tctgaactta cattaaaaca tttcttcttc gcacagaatg
     1321 gtgatgctgc tgttaaagat tttgactttt accgttataa taagcctacc attttagata
     1381 tttgtcaagc tagagttaca tataagatag tctctcgtta ttttgacatt tatgaaggtg
     1441 gctgtattaa ggcatgtgaa gttgttgtaa caaatcttaa taagagtgct ggttggccat
     1501 taaataagtt tggtaaagct agtttgtatt atgaatctat atcttatgaa gaacaggatg
     1561 ctttgtttgc tttgacaaag cgtaatgtcc tccctactat gacacagctg aatcttaagt
     1621 atgctattag tggtaaagaa cgtgctagaa ctgttggtgg tgtttctctg ttgtctacaa
     1681 tgaccacaag acaataccat caaaaacatc ttaaatccat tgttaataca cgcaatgcca
     1741 ctgttgttat tggtactacc aaattttatg gtggttggaa taatatgttg cgtactttaa
     1801 ttgatggtgt tgaaaaccct atgctcatgg gttgggatta tcccaaatgt gatagagctt
     1861 tgcctaacat gatacgtatg atttcagcca tggtgttggg ctctaagcat gttaattgtt
     1921 gtactgcaac agataggttt tataggcttg gtaatgagtt ggcacaagtt ttaacagaag
     1981 ttgtttattc taatggtggt ttttatttta agccaggtgg tacgacttct ggtgacgcta
     2041 gtacagctta tgctaattct atttttaaca tttttcaagc cgtgagttct aacattaaca
     2101 ggttgcttag tgtcccatca gattcatgta ataatgttaa tgttagggat ctacaacgac
     2161 gtctgtatga taattgctat aggttaacta gtgttgaaga gtcattcatt gatgattatt
     2221 atggttatct taggaaacat ttttcaatga tgattctctc tgatgacggt gttgtctgtt
     2281 ataacaagga ttatgctgag ttaggttata tagcagacat tagtgctttt aaagccactt
     2341 tgtattacca gaataatgtc tttatgagta cttctaaatg ttgggttgaa gaagatttaa
     2401 ctaagggacc acatgagttt tgttcccagc atactatgca aatagttgac aaagatggta
     2461 cctattattt gccttaccca gatcctagta ggatcttgtc agctggtgtt tttgttgatg
     2521 atgttgttaa gacagatgct gttgttttgt tagaacgtta tgtgtcttta gctattgatg
     2581 cataccctct ttcaaaacac cctaattctg aatatcgcaa ggttttttac gtattacttg
     2641 attgggttaa gcatcttaac aaaaatttga atgagggtgt tcttgaatct ttttctgtta
     2701 cacttcttga taatcaagaa gataagtttt ggtgtgaaga tttttatgct agtatgtatg
     2761 aaaattctac aatattgcaa  

Gene N:











Gene E: