IDH gene diagnosis standard

Author:Reqbio source:Reqbio date:2022-12-08

Genetic introduction

The isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH) is the key enzyme of the triacation acid cycle. Nicotinamide adenine dilate (NAD +)/nicotinine adenine dinide dinucleotide phosphat (NADP +) is used as auxiliary factor to generate reduction type Nadh/NADPH.


Gene mutation

Human IDH has three sub -families: IDH1, IDH2, and IDH3. IDH1 is located in cytoplasm and peroxidase body. IDH2 and IDH3 enzymes are located in mitochondria. They participate in the cycle carboxylic acid cycle and provide energy. At present, only the IDH1 and IDH2 genes are found. The IDH1 gene is located in chromosome 2Q33.3. The IDH1 gene mutations currently discovered have occurred in R132 of the fourth outer appende. A total of six mutations types (including R132H, R132C, R132S, R132G, R132L), IDH2 gene Located in chromosome 15Q26.1, the currently found IDH2 gene mutations occur in R140 (including three types of R140W, R140L and R140Q) and R172 (including R172K, R172M, R172S, and R172W).

What does glue tumor IDH1 gene change mean? Taking gel tumor as an example, IDH (alienic acid dehydrogenase) is a common molecular pathological tag in brain gum tumor. IDH has been included in the NCCN Guide and China's brain gum tumor guide. The guide clearly states that IDH1/2 is an important molecular indicator for brain gum molecules. important meaning.

IDH1/IDH2 is a cell metabolic enzyme. Its mutations can cause the increase in metabolic products A-hydroxyphrodic acid that promote cancer in the cell, which in turn causes cellular genetic changes. IDH mutation positive suggestion that glue tumors are at least WHO II. When IDH mutations are as ambiguous in the tissue diagnosis, it can be used as evidence that supports the existence of diffuse infiltrated glue tumors. IDH mutations are usually accompanied by MGMT methylation; the prognosis of gel tumor patients with IDH mutations is relatively good, which is an important indicator for clinical trials for layering; in the infiltrated glue tumor of the WHO II/III level, IDH wild wildness will increase tumor progress. Risk; IDH mutations are related to the survival benefits of patients with radiotherapy or alkylated agent.


Related drug

The mutations of IDH1 or IDH2 are found in patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) of about 15-20%. Some drugs have been approved for treatment of AML caused by IDH mutations. IVOSIDENIB (AG-20) and ENASIDENIB (AG-221) are the powerful selective oral molecular inhibitors of mutant IDH1 and mutant IDH2, respectively. Both drugs can promote the normal differentiation of cancer cells.

For the detection of mutation type, we can provide diagnostic standards to ensure the detection limit, sensitivity, and stability of the diagnostic method. Product information and related data are as follows:



AI-Edigene® IDH1 p.R132H Reference Standard Plus RQP10516





AI-Edigene® IDH2 p.R140Q Reference Standard Plus RQP10513



AI-Edigene® IDH2 p.R172K Reference Standard Plus RQP10514





IDH1 p.R132C Reference Standard RQP10290




IDH2 p.R172S Reference Standard RQP10291
