AKT2 E17K/BaF3

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I. Introduction

Cell Line Name:

AKT2 E17K/BaF3

Host Cell:


Stability:16 passages (in-house test, that not means the cell line will be instable beyond the passages we tested.)

Freeze Medium:

90% FBS+10% DMSO

Complete Culture Medium:


Mycoplasma Status:



II. Background

V-akt murine thymoma viral oncogene homolog 2 (AKT2) is a gene that encodes a protein serine/threonine kinase with a SH2-like domain. Missense mutations, nonsense mutations, silent mutations, and in-frame deletions are observed in cancers such as endometrial cancer, intestinal cancer, and stomach cancer.
AKT2 is altered in 1.54% of all cancers with lung adenocarcinoma, breast invasive ductal carcinoma, pancreatic adenocarcinoma, high grade ovarian serous adenocarcinoma, and colon adenocarcinoma having the greatest prevalence of alterations.The most common alterations in AKT2 are AKT2 Amplification (0.96%), AKT2 Mutation (0.61%), AKT2 Loss (0.09%), AKT2 E17K (0.04%), and AKT2 Fusion (0.05%) .


III.  Representative Data

1.WB of AKT2 E17K/BaF3

2. Anti-proliferation assay


Figure 2. CTG Proliferation Assay of BaF3 AKT2 E17K Cells (C4).