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I. Background

GLP1R binds specifically the glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP1) and has much lower affinity for related peptides such as the gastric inhibitory polypeptide and glucagon. GLP1R is known to be expressed in pancreatic beta cells. Activated GLP1R stimulates the adenylyl cyclase pathway which results in increased insulin synthesis and release of insulin.  Consequently, GLP1R has been suggested as a potential target for the treatment of diabetes. GLP1R is also expressed in the brain where it is involved in the control of appetite. Furthermore, mice which over express GLP1R display improved memory and learning.

II. Introduction
Host Cell:BHK
Stability:20 passages (in-house test, that not means the cell line will be instable beyond the passages we tested.)
Freeze Medium:90% FBS+10% DMSO
Culture Medium:MEM+10% FBS+1% Non Essential Amino Acids (NEAA)+1 mM sodium pyruvate+2ug/ml puromycin+800ug/ml 
Mycoplasma Status:Negative
Storage:Liquid nitrogen immediately upon delivery

Functional assay for GLP1R receptor

Transducer: Gs
Ⅲ. Description of Host Cell Line
Organism:Mesocricetus auratus, hamster, Syrian golden
Disease: Normal
Morphology: fibroblast
Growth Properties: Adherent
Ⅳ.Representative Data

CBP71405 数据图.jpg

Figure 1.GLP1R/CRE Reporter -BHK Recombinant Cell Line (C22).